President of the Coordinating council Mikhail I. Bogdanov
Mikhail I. Bogdanov graduated in 1984, the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, university degree in hydrogeology and engineering geology, in 1988 defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences on the topic "Engineering geological zoning based on pattern recognition algorithms.
Mikhail I. Bogdanov graduated in 1984, the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, university degree in hydrogeology and engineering geology, in 1988 defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences on the topic "Engineering geological zoning based on pattern recognition algorithms.
Mikhail I. Bogdanov graduated in 1984, the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, university degree in hydrogeology and engineering geology, in 1988 defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences on the topic "Engineering geological zoning based on pattern recognition algorithms.
Chief editor of three professional journals: "Georisk", "Engineering survey", "Engineering geology"
Mikhail I. Bogdanov, head of JSC PNIIIS (formerly FGUP PNIIIS), since 2004.
Tel. +7 (495) 366-31-89
Fax +7 (495) 366-31-90.
Vice-President of the Coordinating council
Nikolay S. Kasimov
Nikolay S. Kasimov - Member of RAS, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor, known in Russia and abroad as a researcher in landscape geochemistry, geochemistry of the environment, paleogeochemistry, geochemistry of aquatic landscapes.
In 1968 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University with a degree in physical geography. In 1972 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of geographical sciences , and in 1984 - PhD.
In 1987 he was elected the head of landscape geochemistry and soil geography department, Faculty of Geography Moscow State University.
Since 1990, N. Kasimov - Dean, Faculty of Geography Moscow State University.
In recent years, N. Kasimov investigates problems of geochemistry of environment, ecological and geochemical assessments of cities, the creation of geographic information systems of cities and regions, developing a theory of the geochemistry of the urban landscape, leader of an international Russian-Dutch projects related to the study of changes in landscapes of the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea. Under his leadership was established a fundamental Ecological Atlas of Russia, which won RF Government Prize in Science and Technology (2004), held a unique ecological and geochemical studies to evaluate the impact of space rockets on the environment, including the Baikonur complex.
In recent years, N. Kasimov investigates problems of geochemistry of environment, ecological and geochemical assessments of cities, the creation of geographic information systems of cities and regions, developing a theory of the geochemistry of the urban landscape, leader of an international Russian-Dutch projects related to the study of changes in landscapes of the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea. Under his leadership was established a fundamental Ecological Atlas of Russia, which won RF Government Prize in Science and Technology (2004), held a unique ecological and geochemical studies to evaluate the impact of space rockets on the environment, including the Baikonur complex.
In the Moscow university offers courses of lectures: "Geochemistry of Landscapes", "Geochemistry of natural and man-made landscapes. Lectured in Sofia, Warsaw, Havana, Cambridge and the University of Barcelona.
Published about 200 scientific papers, including 8 monographs and textbooks.
Prize Winner of the RF Government (2001) Education for the establishment of environmental education in universities in Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University Award for educational activities (1998) and for scientific work (2000).
Honored Worker of Higher School, was awarded the Order of Friendship Medal "In memory of the 850 anniversary of Moscow".
Vice-President of the Coordinating council
Vasily A. Malinnikov
Vasily A. Malinnikov - Doctor of technical sciences , Professor, Rector of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography since 2007.
In 1972 V. Malinnikov graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, in 1982 -became a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, in 1999 - doctor of technical sciences. Since 1985, associate Professor of Physics, since 2000 Professor of Applied Ecology.
Malinnikov has published 150 scientific papers on remote sensing, theory and methods of thematic processing of aerospace information
sign "Drummer of eleventh Five Year Plan "(1986);
Medal "In memory of the 850 anniversary of Moscow" (1997);
"Honored Worker of Higher School of Russia" (1999);
"Honorary Surveyor (geodesist)" (2003);
RF Government Prize for the development and implementation of methods of aerospace environmental monitoring (2003);
Lomonosov Prize for developing methods and technologies for space monitoring of natural complex of the North for making management decisions in the field of environmental protection and rational nature of the northern territories of Russia. Issued by the decision of the Arkhangelsk region administration and the mayor of Arkhangelsk in 2006.
V. Malinnikov has been working in the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography works since 1973. From 1987-1989 worked as Head of the department of Physics, in 1989-2007 as the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Space. Since 1992 Head of the Department of Applied Ecology. Since 2002, the chairman of the dissertation council for doctoral and master's theses.
In 2007 he was elected to the post of Rector of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography.
For sensitivity and insight to student problems he was received the nickname Uncle Vasya.
Deputy General Director of JSC "PNIIIS"
Galina R. Bolgova
Member of the Coordinating council
Vladimir G. Kovalenko
Vladimir G. Kovalenko - chief specialist of the department of technology planning and preparation of design estimates JSC Rosneft, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor of Geology Faculty of Moscow State University.
After graduating in 1975 Faculty of geological prospecting of National Mining University of Ukraine more than thirty years of his work experience was associated with development works in the oil industry in the Middle Ob in Western Siberia. Passed career as an engineer to Director. Since 2007 member of the central apparatus of Rosneft, where the duties Kovalenko, V. includes supervision of engineering surveys for construction. In addition to production activities engaged in scientific - teaching work. In 1989, the Moscow State University. University master's thesis. From 2000 to 2006 he taught part-time in Nizhnevartovsk Branch, Tyumen Oil and Gas University, in 2006 awarded the rank of associate professor. In 2008 in Moscow State University defended his doctoral dissertation. Since 2009, part-time teaching at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University.The author of 35 scientific publications, including 2 monographs and textbooks.
Member of the Coordinating council
Oleg L. Esyunin
Oleg L. Esyunin after graduating in 1985 the Perm Polytechnic Institute, worked at the Department of Economy and organization of engineering production, Perm Polytechnic Institute. From 1991 to 1998 - student of economic faculty of Perm State University, researcher of the Perm Branch of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Since 1991, he worked in managerial positions in commercial organizations Perm.
From 1997 OL Esyunin head JSC Verhnekamsk trust construction and engineering research "(JSC" VerhnekamTISIz "). Over the past few years, ingineering surveys led by O Esyunin form the basis of design and construction of road bridge over the river Kama, pipeline Stone Log Perm 'Perm-Berezniki highway (including the bridge over the river Polazna), bauxite and alumina complex in Komi Republic and other objects. Implemented survey for the General Plan in Perm and Kungur, residential neighborhoods, Danilikha-1 "," Yves-2 "," Kama valley "in Perm, residential complexes with well-developed infrastructure in settlements and Kondratovo Lobanovo Perm district.
Following years 2001-2009 JSC VerhnekamTISIz is the winner for best design and survey organizations of Perm region. In 2006-2009, VerhnekamTISIz named the best project organization of the Perm region, and its director, best director of building complex.
Since 2005, O Esyunin is chairman of the Union of design, survey and research organizations of Perm region, of which 50 enterprises, OLEsyunin - a member of the Board of the Union of Designers of Russia, member of the Association Perm builders, Honorary builder of Russia.
Tel. +7 (342) 239-31-12, 239-33-73, e-mail:,
Site -
Andrey S. Loktev - Chief Geologist of Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions "(JSC AMIGE), candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences.
ЛAndrey S. Loktev was born on October 27, 1962 in Rostov-on-Don. There he graduated from the Geology and Geography Department of the State University (RSU), specializing in Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology (1980-1985). After he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences on the topic: "Methodological foundations of engineering-geological surveys for oil and gas installations on the shelf of Arctic seas." The thesis contains a comparison of domestic and Western practices survey, classification and nomenclature of soils. Specialty: Engineering Geology, permafrostology and Soil "(PNIIIS, Moscow).
From 1986 to 1998 Andrey S. Loktev worked at the Murmansk State Enterprise "Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions" (AMIGE), where he held positions: engineer, geologist, and since 1993 - head of engineering and geological party.
He worked as an engineer-geologist and Project Manager (marine, terrestrial, coastal); involved in geotechnical and drilling operations, including testing of soils. He was engaged in the processing and interpretation of geotechnical and laboratory and geophysical data, compiling reports on surveys for the installation and design of various see structures and platforms. Working area: Arctic Sea and the coast of the Black Sea; Projects: "Blue Stream", oil terminal Yu Ozereeevka (Novorossiysk), Stockman, Prirazlomnaya, Baydaratskaya lip, Varandei.
From 1998 to 1999. - Geotechnical engineer in the company Fugro Engineers BV (Laydshendam, Netherlands). Conducted field (marine) surveys and geotechnical studies, the CPT and processing; involved in the interpretation of geophysical and geotechnical data, compilation of technical reports. Areas of work: the Black Sea, shelf India, South Africa, North Sea, Uzbekistan.
Since 1999. - Chief Geologist of JSC AMIGE.
ЛAndrey S. Loktev is a member of the Russian-Finnish working group on the shelf and expert GOST-R (the development of international standard, "Researches on the shelf" - ISO TC67 SC7 for "Marine soil investigations", the head of the editorial board of the International Conference "Oil and Gas of Arctic Shelf" (Murmansk Association Arktikshelf. "Included in the Coordinating Board of AIIS.
Author of more than 20 articles, publications and reports on engineering-geological surveys (survey methodology, comparison of results and data obtained by Russian and Western standards). Participation in the development of the Code SP 11-114-2004 "Engineering surveys on the continental shelf for the construction of oil and gas facilities, International Standard ISO Research Soil Shelf " Marine Soil Investigation ". .